In Latin America several years ago, a systematic strategy of conservative forces around the judicialization of politics, particularly regarding the progressive projects, has been evolving. This strategy has been used by large communicational conglomerates and a part of the state institutions and the judicial power. A strategy that has been known and conceptualized as “Lawfare” (Judicial War).
One of the most evident and worrying cases of Lawfare occurs in Ecuador, where not only the judicialization of politics is being experienced, but now is being used to openly attack democracy.
This situation is preventing the political participation of a legally constituted group that participated in the process of the last election (2019), reaching main spaces in the largest provinces of the country.
Those who belong to the Grupo de Puebla express our deep concern about the state of democracy vulnerability implemented by the regime of President Lenín Moreno.
We have witnessed the permanent siege against former President Rafael Correa, his line of political leadership, and the project of the Citizen Revolution Movement with a series of judicial measures and today, an open attack on his political participation rights.
We want to alert the international community about the significant interference of functions that are taking place in Ecuador.
With the possibility of preventing the participation of the Electoral List that represents the Citizen Revolution Movement, the Comptroller General of Ecuador, who has no competence in electoral matters, has established a decision that intends to leave the Citizen Revolution Movement out of the electoral register. This decision breached the deadline set by the National Electoral Council of Ecuador set on June 19 for registrations of political organizations.
It is not possible to attempt to violate the right of Ecuadorians to choose and be elected, a fundamental principle of democracy.
What is happening in Ecuador is a clear example of political and electoral persecution due to ideological tendencies and brings the country under a system with dictatorial overtones.
El Grupo de Puebla calls on the Ecuadorian Government to respect the democratic order and the Rule of Law, as well as the international organizations and political organizations of the continent to remain vigilant of the actions that contradict the human rights and political participation of the opposition.
Our peoples deserve rulers who respect democracy and electoral processes that are not tainted by the interests of those who seek to prevent clean and democratic elections.
1. Dilma Rousseff
2. Luis Inácio “Lula” Da Silva
3. Celso Amorim
4. Beatriz Paredes
5. Jorge Taiana
6. Fernando Lugo
7. Ernesto Samper
8. Iván Cepeda
9. Aloizio Mercadante
10. Gabriela Rivadeneira
11. Marco Enríquez-Ominami
12. Carlos Sotelo
13. Daniel Martínez
14. Carlos Ominami
15. David Choquehuanca
16. Esperanza Martínez
17. Mónica Xavier